By way of bio, Inigo is an avid researcher, sports science practitioner and a coach applying his academic learnings. Since 1992 Indigo has been devoted to the research of tapering and peaking for sports performance. He's published many peer reviewed scientific articles, many book chapters and five books. As a sports physiologist, Inigo works closely with elite athletes and coaches in a variety of individual and team sports. Inigo currently serves as a Head of Sports Science for Spanish Aquatics and has previously served roles with the Australian Institute of Sport from 2003 to 2004. In 2005, Inigo worked as a physiologist and trainer of the professional road bicycle Racing Team Euskaltel Euskadi, he's also coached world class triathletes including Olympians so you get a sense for Inigo’s pedigree and expertise on this topic of tapering.
Now what can you expect from today's episode? Well, we've all tried to either conduct our own tapers or have had tapers programmed for us from coaches and we all know that sometimes they go well, sometimes they don't. So through today's learnings, you'll be able to extract the scientific body of work the evidence based best practices, when it comes to tapering. Inigo will share the definition of tapering and peaking, outline the main aim of tapering, share why if a taper goes well you can expect up to a 3% improvement between pre and post taper performances. Inigo outlines the three variables that can be manipulated with a taper, training intensity, training volume and training frequency. Inigo shares from a 2011 landmark scientific review, the best practices when it comes to Endurance Sports tapers in terms of length, what to do with reducing volume and what not to do when it comes to tinkering with intensity and training frequency. Inigo explores nutrition and hydration practices through a taper and outlines why it is key to arrive at your racing body mass at the start of the taper, rather than at the end.
Finally, Inigo outlines what actually occurs when we taper in terms of physiological effects and then what occurs at the end of a season when we take a break, the de-training effects and then what we can expect with the retraining effects physiologically, as we return to training. There's the single piece of advice and of course, the physical challenge for the week.
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On this episode, I share with you a conversation I recently had with Gold Coast based ear nose and throat surgeon Dr Dan Robinson on all things navigating nasal obstruction. One in three people experience nasal obstruction.
Listen in as Dr Dan Robinson shares around the different types of nasal obstruction, how nasal obstruction presents in both children and fully grown adults, the different types of obstructive sleep apnea; central and peripheral and how each of those presents, the physiology of breathing and why when we exercise most of it occurs through the mouth yet that's reversed when we sleep with the bulk of breathing happening through our nose. Dr Dan shares around nasal anatomy including the nasal valve and why it is so important and importantly how to treat nasal obstruction and the treatment pathway or sieve as Dr Dan Robinson refers to it as that exists all the way from nasal spray through to devices through to surgical procedures.
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Rory Darkins is a positive psychology academic, mental skills coach to Olympic athletes and the brains behind the What’s Right app. Rory is a regular speaker at global conferences including the World Congress on Positive Psychology. Rory translates the best of the research into practical and easy to understand strategies that anyone can take home and apply to life and thrive. Rory himself has a diverse sporting background, having spent many years traveling the world pursuing professional cricket alongside his own competitive running, having competed internationally in surf lifesaving for the 2km beach event and alongside Eloise Wellings, Rory co hosts the “What's Right Within” podcast.
Get ready for some great learnings that will translate into better headspace daily across your week and of course, for your next sporting competition, as Rory shares around what positive psychology is, and why it matters to not just optimal performance, but also health and well-being, the difference between harmonious and obsessive passion, why it's the pursuit of the process that should matter more than the outcome itself, and why there’s a great return on investment to be had when we stop and assess ourselves at our best.
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It is that time of year where we look back at the calendar year, and we review some of the highlights of our Featured Performer Episodes.
This year we bring you the TOP 10 most downloaded Featured Performers.
Whether you’re an athlete or coach, ENDURE IQ aims to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies to optimise your sports performance. To get you started ENDURE IQ will gift you $25 towards your first ENDURE IQ purchase - use the code BRADBEER at the checkout. Information is useful, but knowing how to use it is powerful. ENDURE IQ - hitting the sweet spot of performance, health and enjoyment.
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