Dr Ebonie Rio is a post doc researcher at La Trobe University having completed her PhD in tendon pain. Ebonie holds a Masters of Sports Physiotherapy and her clinical career has included comprehensive work at the Australian Institute of Sport, Australian Ballet Company, Australian Ballet School and currently the Victorian Institute of Sport.
Ebonie’s Physiotherapy experiences has included the 2006 Commonwealth Games, 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics and the 2012 London Paralympics. In addition, Ebonie spent 18 months travelling with Disney's The Lion King stage show and on this annual exploration on all things tendinopathy rehabilitation, we explore the all important role that re-training the brain has in achieving good outcomes for sore and aggravated tendons.
Ebonie shares around the difference between tendinopathy and tendonitis and why terminology matters. The limitations of imaging and practitioners' words in how they can set the trajectory for patients and athletes expectations, why it's necessary to be strong and symmetrical in order to work on strength and conditioning in an isolated manner. Ebonie touches on why form matters when it comes to key exercises such as calf raises and how to navigate practically the ups and downs that are a-given for the tendinopathy rehabilitation process.
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